Et tu Brute?

Despite being words from another language, these words are seared into our national conscience as words that signify great betrayal.  The Bard himself, William Shakespeare, immortalized the phrase in his play Julius Caesar, but before he inscribed them for stage, already people associated these words with political betrayal.  They were rumored by some to be…

Proclaim the Release of Captives…

It did in fact snow in Gulfport!!! My kids loved the snow days.  During the first cold snap with snow my kids were spending time with their grandparents in Lumberton.  The snow accumulated enough there to make a nice snowman and a few impressionist snow angels. The kids were home during the second cold snap…

Happy New Year

  What an exciting proclamation!  It is the hope of new creation.  It is the excitement of possibility! Maybe you’ve made plans for the new year.  Sometimes we take this opportunity to make commitments to live our lives in new ways. Stores have already begun transitioning their stock from red bows and jolly gifts to…

Here Comes Christmas

I’ll be shocked if there’s snow on the ground in Gulfport this year.  Google tells me that is has and can happen.  Apparently, in 1993 there was enough snow to fashion something that resembled a snowman on the beach!  What a sight.  In 1963 on the brink of 1964, New Year’s Eve saw the crisp…

Our Tilted World

Our Tilted World We northern hemisphere dwellers are experiencing the effects of our ever so slightly tilted Earth moving into an area of its orbit where the tilt puts us further away from the warmth of the sun’s rays. This of course means cooler days, but it also means longer nights.  Already, it has begun…

Trick or Treat

October is here. Pumpkins are on display in every store and in many homes with more to come in the following weeks. We might even get some crisp weather soon, and my fridge already contains apple cider (which Aiden keeps accidently requesting as “appetizer.”) I like October. It’s probably because it heralds the celebration of…

Service Times

Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.